Can society be a better place

Hello Readers! This is a continuation of the first post! Now, you have learnt how to accept yourself and be a more confident person. How can you be a truly beautiful one then?                          

This simply means that no matter how good looking you are on the outside, no one will like you if you have a terrible personality. While external beauty is something that you can see, inner beauty is something that is invisible. It is something that is reflected through your character. What then, defines inner beauty?

 As there are many aspects to inner beauty, today, we are going to talk about one of the most important aspects of inner beauty which is how different we treat others based on who they are.


At some point in our lives, I believe we’ve all hated how judgmental society is regardless of our standing in it. One crucial thing many people don’t realise is that ironically, we are the very society that we regard contempt. 

This means that even though we hate how people treat us differently because of different factors like our grades, looks or even fashion sense, we tend to do the same thing to others too without realising.

More often than not, I have witnessed people getting ‘condemned’ by others without even getting a chance to show who they are. This judgment came in many forms such as the rolling of the eyes, derogatory remarks or simply ostracising these people for being different.

It is okay to form judgements and perceptions of people because it is human nature to do so. What is not okay, however, is to let these perceptions determine the way we treat others.

In spite of this huge problem that we face, can it still be solved? I believe the answer is yes, but not easily. If you strongly feel that it can be done, then it will be the moment you set your mind to it. There are three basic steps that an individual like you can take to make society a better place.

1)  Take the initiative

Don’t wait for others to be nice before you start being nice yourself. 

Being nice to people has to start from within or it will come off as being hypocritical. When your intentions are noble and genuine, people can sense the sincerity in your actions and feel that you care for everyone around you and not just because they possess something you need.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” If we want change to happen, don’t wait for the person next to you. 

Take the initiative to know the person better and understand his/her story. Have meals with them if they are alone. Keep in touch with them. Lend them a helping hand if they need one. Through the little deeds, people will realise how beautiful you are on the inside.

2) Be slow to act but quick to listen


Do not give people different treatments based on how they look or where they are from. Instead, make the effort to get to know them. Know how the reasons why they dress like this or think a certain way.

Many times, I personally, have received comments from people that I’ve just met that they thought I was from a gang because of the way I looked based on my hairstyle, left ear piercing and tight jeans.

 And 100% of the time, these people tell me that they have been wrong about their initial perception of me and were thus afraid of talking to me. On the contrary, I am quite the opposite of a gangster if you were to ask anyone who knows me what I am like as a person.

After trying to get to know someone, you may realise that you do not like their character but it shows that you did not judge a book by its cover. However, that also means that you do not give them the ‘cold treatment’ entirely as well. 

3) Have courage
  If the people around you are putting someone down without knowing their story, let them know that what they are doing is wrong and how would they feel if they were in their shoes.

Like bullying, treating others based on our own judgments does not stop when a person in the crowd refuses to throw the stone.

 It only stops when a person in the crowd puts down the stone, steps away from the crowd and stands with the victimised. Likewise, if you have noticed anyone in your class or cca group that has been outcasted because people have placed labels on him, don’t just ‘stop judging’ him. 

Step forward and help.

I do not proclaim that I am perfect because I too have made mistakes. 

All that I feel is that if we take a step back and think things more slowly and carefully, the society we live in can definitely be a nicer place. To my dear readers, inner beauty isn’t about doing what is correct and getting 100 marks to show that you have it. 

It’s about knowing what is right and reflecting it through your deeds.

But you may wonder, what 'DEEDS' can you offer? 

Stay tuned my dear readers! 


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